We all know sleep is important. As a college student, juggling multiple commitments such as academics, work and a social life, it can be hard to prioritize sleep. However, consistent and quality sleep has a large impact on the success of your academics and overall quality of life. For example, research shows that sufficient sleep improves memory, mood, and performance. Our sleep education gives students the opportunity to assess their sleep needs and help them establish consistent sleep routines. We hope that as a result of sleep education, students will prioritize sleep to increase their energy, well-being, and learning potential.
Programs and Resources
Sleep Health Education
Learn more about the science of sleep! Our online platform was created specifically for college students and offers tips and tricks for improving sleep health. Click below to read our content modules!

Nap Pods in the Library
We're grateful for our partnership with the Library. Check out the brand new Health & Wellness nap pods in the UCSB Library (Ocean Side, near the Transfer Student Center) where students can take a 20-minute nap as a break in their studies. Enjoy a relaxing zero-gravity experience complete with soft music, gentle vibrations, and a storage space to keep your belongings safe while you snooze zzz
Body Scan for Bedtime
It can be hard to control the noises surrounding us before we go to bed, especially in college. To help ease you into sleep, try this short 10-minute bedtime meditation.
Egg Chairs
There are also some comfy chairs to relax in scattered across campus. Check out the list below to see if you are near one or look at the map on our website.
Library (5) → We partnered with the library to have 3 egg chairs on the Ocean Side by the ATC room and near the Transfer Student Center. There are also 2 egg chairs on the Mountain Side across from the Services Desk.
CAPS (2)
GSA lounge (4)
Santa Rosa Main Lounge (2)
San Cat Fiesta Room (2)
Santa Cruz Lobby (2)

Library Guide for Wellbeing
For FREE additional readings and resources on sleep health, check out our UC Santa Barbara Library Well-being LibGuide. Here you can find curated books and more on this health topic that you can download and read on your computer or mobile device... FREE!
Here are some of just the many sleep health books offered at our LibGuide!