Sexual Health
Learn about satisfying and consensual relationships, access to safer sex supplies, as well as many other resources around sex and sexuality. The best way to get started is to learn about your resources and find out how you can get more information, get tested regularly, get vaccinated, know how to access contraception or know where to get a prescription for birth control.
Our sexual health education program is designed to provide accurate and comprehensive information about sexual health, safety, and self-agency to a diverse population of 26,000 students. In doing so, our students can make informed and thoughtful decisions about their physical, emotional, and social well-being according to their own values, whether their values lead them to choose abstinence or those who choose to be sexually active.

Relationship Health
There are so many relationships on campus: romantic, sexual, hookups, friends with benefits, platonic and many other types. Learning to navigate and self advocate in relationships can improve the mutual benefits of any relationship. Learning relationship phases, communication skills, identifying personal boundaries, and clarifying your own values are wonderful tools to have as you create new relationships in your life at UC Santa Barbara and beyond.
Sexual & Reproductive Health Services
Sexual & Reproductive Health at Student Health

Taking care of your sexual and reproductive health is important at every age and for all genders. Student Health Service offers a supportive, nonjudgmental environment where you can get your questions answered and receive the sexual and reproductive health care you need to stay well. Keep reading to learn more about our services.
- Birth Control
- Genital (vagina or penis) Concerns
- Breast Care
- Menstrual Issues
- Gender Affirming Care
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- STI Testing and Treatment
- PrEP & PEP for HIV & Doxy PEP
- Cervical Cancer Screening and Colposcopy
- HPV Vaccine and Counseling
- Pregnancy Options and Medication Abortion (MAB)
Condom Distribution Program at UCSB
The Condom Distribution Program at UCSB is a free service dedicated to encouraging safer sex for those that are sexually active by making condoms at UCSB accessible, attainable, and acceptable (sex-positive and normalized) according to CDC Guidelines. Condom Dispensers are located across campus and in the residence halls. These dispensers are filled with free lubricated and non-lubricated condoms. The program is a partnership between the Department of Health & Wellness, RHA, RCSGD, and The Women's Center. Please note that during the summer months, condoms will be available only at select locations. Please review our many condom distribution locations below to find a Condom Dispenser near you! If you're a department that is interested in distributing condoms as well, please contact

Campus Condom Dispensers
Student Health Silver Hallway Restroom
Student Health Green Hallway Restroom
Student Health Bowl located the the Student Health front desk
Student Resource Building 1st Floor Men's & Women's Restrooms
Student Resource Building Womens Center located on the leftside table as you enter the office
Student Resource Building Supplies located on left side of the RCSGD Main Hallway
Residence Halls Condom Dispensers
Santa Cruz Residence Hall Lobby, Women's Restroom Rm.1013
Anacapa Residence Hall Lobby, ADA All Gender Restroom R. 1015
Santa Rosa Residence Hall Lobby, Men's Restroom Rm. 1018
San Nicolas Residence Hall Lobby, All Gender Restroom Rm. 1014
San Miguel Residence Hall Lobby, All Gender Restroom Rm. 1040
Manzanita Village Residence Hall De Anza Building, Restroom Rm. 1011
San Rafael Residence Hall Lobby, All Gender Restroom Rm. 1175A
Santa Catalina Residence Hall All Gender Restroom Rm. 0429
Santa Catalina Residence Hall All Gender Restroom Rm. 023
Sexual & Reproductive Health Information and Education
Sexual & Reproductive Health Information Index
Click the phrases to find more information!
Abortion Access
The University of California believes all people should have access to affordable and convenient reproductive health care. This includes providing a full range of evidence-based health care, including medication abortions. Medication abortion consultations are readily available (usually within 1-3 days) at Student Health Service. Please login to the MyHealth Portal to make an appointment. Medication Abortion (mab) information is available below under “Medication Abortion”.
For birth control, abstinence means not allowing sperm (ejaculate or pre-ejaculate) near the vaginal opening (inside the vagina). For the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), abstinence means no genital-to-genital, or mouth-to-genital contact. Abstinence is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy and is a cost-free option, but some may find it difficult to maintain abstinence over the long term. Choosing abstinence does not mean that your desire for sexual activity goes away.
Birth Control
There are many different types of contraception, but not all types are appropriate for all situations. The most appropriate method of birth control depends on an individual’s overall health, age, frequency of sexual activity, ability to use birth control methods consistently and correctly, number of sexual partners, desire to have children in the future, and family history of certain diseases. Ensuring access for all people to their preferred contraceptive methods advances several human rights including the right to life and liberty, freedom of opinion, expression and choice and the right to work and education, as well as bringing significant health and other benefits. Methods of contraception include oral contraceptive pills, implants, injectables, patches, vaginal rings, intrauterine devices, condoms, among others. These methods have different mechanisms of action and effectiveness in preventing unintended pregnancy. Only barrier methods such as condoms and dental dams can prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections. (excerpt from WHO website. ) For more information on birth control access at UCSB, explore the Student Health Birth Control Library. To take the first step towards starting a contraceptive option visit How to Get Birth Control. UCSB students can get a prescription for birth control pills, the vaginal ring, the birth control patch, or the Depo Provera shot at SHS. While you do not need an appointment, you can access the request for these options through the appointment tab in the MyHealth Portal. Student Health also offers long-term, highly-effective birth control options like IUD or Nexplanon; you can schedule an appointment for these options through MyHealth Portal.
External condoms are small, thin pouches that cover the penis during sex. Internal condoms are similar, but are placed inside the vagina. Condoms provide great protection from both pregnancy and STIs. External condoms are easy to use and easy to get. Visit our Condom Demonstration Video for instructions or Health & Wellness Map and Resources "Health Supply Pickup" for condom dispenser locations.
Consent is an agreement that is willfully given without any external pressure or factors. In order for someone to consent to sexual activity participants must continuously communicate—before, during, and after sexual activity Communication is key—boundaries should be established before, during, and after sexual activity. In order for someone to consent to sexual activity participants must continuously communicate before, during, and after sexual activity—this is the only way to establish clear boundaries between participants and allows for a relaxing experience. Consent does not always have to be verbal, but discussing boundaries, expectations, and consent between participants at each sexual encounter is the best way to avoid confusion and respect boundaries. Consent must be given… Voluntarily and without coercion. Consent must be freely given. External factors such as pressure, threat, or physical violence invalidate a verbal “yes” or a silent “no.” Clearly, while sober. Someone who has had too much to drink or is under the influence of drugs cannot consent to sexual activity. In addition, someone who is unconscious-—whether from substances or simply sleeping—cannot consent to sexual activity. Continuously. Consent must be given with every sexual act. Just because someone consented to sexual activity once does not mean consent will be given every time. Even if someone has consented 100 times it does not mean they will consent the 101st. Consent may be given at the beginning of sex but then taken back. You MUST stop sexual activity. Even if consent is given at the beginning of a sexual act it can be taken back at anytime! Everyone has agency over his or her own body and respect for one another is SO important. With confidence and enthusiasm. Consent must be given with confidence and enthusiasm. If you or a partner is reluctant about intensifying sexual encounters then instead of advancing you should have a conversation and communicate about your comfort levels. With awareness. In order for someone to consent to sex each participant must be informed and say yes to each sexual act that is performed. This is important to realize as the term “hook up” may mean sexual intercourse to one party but may mean basic kissing to another. With this, someone may originally consent to a “hook up” but rescind consent midway through because of a miscommunication. This must be respected! In addition, informed consent means both partners are aware of each others’ STI status, in agreement of the methods of birth control being used, and comfortable with the environment in which they are having sex. Basically, informed consent means that there are no surprises and consent can be rescinded at any point—especially under changing conditions! (from:
Emergency Contraception
The pill version is also commonly known as "the morning-after pill". This type of emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy after having unprotected sex. It is not an abortion pill and doesn’t work if you’re already pregnant. The most commonly known version of the pill is 'Plan B' (levonorgestrel). 'Plan B' is best when you take it within 72 hours after unprotected sex. Log in to MyHealth Portal to request an online emergency contraception prescription, which can be filled at the Student Health Pharmacy. If you have SHIP insurance, it's free. Otherwise, it is a $20 copay. 'Plan B' is available for $20 without a prescription at the Student Health pharmacy and the Wellness Vending Machine in the library (2nd floor).
HIV Testing
The CDC recommends HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) testing for everyone ages 13-64 at least once in their lifetime. It can take 3-12 weeks after exposure for results to be accurate - this is called the "window period". Check out the CDC's HIV Testing page for more information on how often you should get yourself tested. This test is a blood test. If asymptomatic (no symptoms), this test may be requested online via MyHealth Portal. If symptomatic and/or exposed you will need to make an appointment to be evaluated by a clinician at Student Health. This can be done through MyHealth Portal or by calling the appointment desk 805-893-3371. Results generally come back within one week.
HPV Vaccine
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection, but vaccinations are available. The vaccine provides protection for all sexes and genders against HPV-related cancers by up to 99%. The HPV Vaccine is widely accessible and available at Student Health Service. The vaccine is covered with no additional charge for those with UCSHIP insurance. Some private insurances will also cover the vaccine for people under 26. Vaccinations are also available at CVS for those with private insurance. The HPV vaccine is a 3-shot series over the span of 6 months. Student Health can finish the series or restart for those who started the series but didn't finish. The time is now to get the vaccine while it is covered by UCSHIP and available at UCSB.
Holistic Sexuality
Holistic Sexuality is a phrase to express the different aspects of human sexuality, which include Sensuality, Intimacy, Sexual Identity, and Sexualization, as well as the issues of Sexual & Reproductive Health. The WHO defines holistic sexuality as “…a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled.” (WHO, 2006a)
Medication Abortion
Medication abortion, known as MAB for short, is a type of evidence-based health care provided by the University of California's Student Health Service. Consultations for medication abortions are usually available within 1-3 days.
You can make an appointment through the MyHealth Portal.
People who are at or below 10 weeks of pregnancy and seeking abortion may be offered a choice of medication abortion or an aspiration abortion procedure. MAB is available on campus, but students can be referred out if a procedural abortion (aspiration abortion) is preferred.
For a medication abortion, one pill called mifepristone is taken to begin the abortion process and then a second dose of pills called Misoprostol one to two days later at home. An easy way to remember the names is "Mife (mif-ee) & Miso (mee-so)" for short. After taking Misoprostol (second set of pills, aka "Miso"), most people experience moderate bleeding and cramping, and pass the pregnancy over the next few hours. The experience is similar to a miscarriage.
A clinician will check to make sure that the pregnancy has passed completely over the next week to two weeks with either an ultrasound, blood test, or other type of follow-up. You can start birth control immediately after taking the second dose of pills and will be protected the next time you have sex. For a medication abortion, more than 98% of people have a successful abortion without the need for any more treatment.
Some people prefer medication abortion because it is private, they can be at home, and they don’t have to have a procedure. The abortion pills work to end the pregnancy over 98% of the time. Around 2% of people will still need a uterine aspiration after using the pills if their pregnancy doesn’t end or if they have heavy bleeding.
Its important to note that Emergency Contraception, such as Plan B, is not the same things as Medication Abortion (MAB). Plan B is a brand of emergency contraception that uses levonorgestrel to prevent ovulation and thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching an egg. It must be taken within 72 hours of having intercourse. There are other types and brands of emergency contraception beyond Plan B, such as a copper-t IUD and ulipristal acetate. Emergency contraception (regardless of the type or brand) does not abort an existing pregnancy.
For more information about Student Health Service Sexual & Reproductive Health, please visit:
Sexual & Reproductive Health at Student Health Service
For more information about medication abortion (MAB), please visit:
Menstrual Supplies (FREE)
The UCSB Menstrual Health & Equity Coalition (COWSB, UCSB Library, UCSB Women's center, UCSB RHA, UCSB Basic Needs, UCSB Associated Students, and UCSB Health & Wellness) have teamed up to offer free menstrual products at the following locations:
- Wookstocks Pizza in Isla Vista (restrooms)
- Rockfire in Isla Vista (restroom)
- Santa Cruz
- Anacapa
- Santa Rosa
- San Miguel
- San Nicolas
- San Rafael
- Manzanita Village
- Santa Catalina
- ICA Study
- El Centro
- Student Health Service (SHS) Women's and Gender Neutral Restrooms:
- 1st Floor (1509, 1511, 1514, 1516)
- 2nd Floor (2505, 2507, 2522, 2526)
- 4th Floor (4549)
- Health & Wellness Center + Women's Center (shared space)
- All Women's Restrooms
- All Gender Neutral Restrooms
PrEP and PEP (HIV Prevention Medications) & Doxy PEP
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is an antiviral medication taken before potentially coming into contact with HIV. It is a daily medication that, when taken properly, can reduce the risk of contracting HIV by up to 99%. PrEP should be used in conjunction with barrier methods like condoms and dental dams to reduce HIV risk and prevent other sexually transmitted infections.
There are programs through the drug manufacturers that can reduce or eliminate copays and costs depending on what type of insurance you have. Please talk to an insurance specialist or your clinician for more information. If you have UC SHIP, you can contact the Insurance Office at the Student Health Building.
Please email them at SHS Insurance or book an appointment through MyHealth Portal.
Hours of Operation
MON 8:00am - 10:30am & 11:30am - 4:30pm
TUES 8:00am - 4:30pm
WED 9:00am - 4:30pm
THURS 8:00am - 10:30am & 11:30am - 4:30pm
FRI 8:00am - 4:30pm
Students can access PrEp at the Following Locations:
- UCSB Student Health Service
- Most Medical Clinics
- Planned Parenthood
For more information, we recommend visiting the CDC website:
PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis)
PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is an antiviral medication taken after a high-risk exposure to HIV. This medication is more effective the earlier it is taken and must be taken within 72 hours of the exposure. You can get PEP at any urgent care, emergency room, healthcare clinic or from your primary care provider. Both PrEP and PEP are incredibly effective and safe with minimal side effects.
PrEP is meant for individuals who are at high risk of acquiring HIV. Not sure of your level of risk? Whatever your gender identity or sexual orientation, this tool developed by the CDC can help you assess the risk of HIV transmission from various sexual activities. This tool is not a substitute for advice from your medical provider, to find out if PrEP is the right HIV prevention strategy for you, schedule an appointment with your health care provider to learn more. If you are a UCSB Student Health patient (have UC SHIP Insurance), join the Line to speak to them via phone and make an appointment, no need to give the reason for the visit.
Insurance Coverage for PEP
If you’re prescribed PEP after a sexual assault, you may qualify for partial or total reimbursement for medicines and clinical care costs through the Office for Victims of Crime, funded by the US Department of Justice.
If you’re prescribed PEP for another reason and you cannot get insurance coverage (Medicaid, Medicare, private, or employer-based), your health care provider can apply for free PEP medicines through the medication assistance programs run by the manufacturers. Online applications can be faxed to the company, or some companies have special phone lines. These can be handled urgently in many cases to avoid a delay in getting medicine.
You can get more information on PEP at the CDC Website:
Students can access PEP at the Following Locations:
- UCSB Student Health Service
- Most Urgent Care Centers
- Click Here for UCSB Urgent Care
- Click Here for After Hours Care for UCSB Student Health Patients (Students with UC SHIP coverage)
- Most Emergency Rooms
Please note that there may be a cost for PEP, Urgent Care, and Emergency Room visits depending on your insurance coverage.
Doxy PEP
Doxy PEP can help prevent certain STI's if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. It is available for patients who meet certain criteria. Ask your provider for information and to see if you are a candidate.
Sexually Transmitted Infections - Types, Testing & Treatment
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), are very common. STIs are preventable. If you have sex, know how to protect yourself and your sex partner(s) from STIs. STIs pass from one person to another through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. They can also spread through intimate physical contact like heavy petting, though this is uncommon. A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is a virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite people can get through sexual contact. A sexually transmitted disease (STD) develops when an STI infection has led to some symptoms of disease. People sometimes use the terms in one another’s place. The primary goal of public health and healthcare is to prevent and treat infections before they develop into disease.
There are dozens of STIs. Some STIs are spread mainly by sexual contact, such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and Genital Herpes.
Many STIs have no symptoms or may only cause mild symptoms, so people can have an infection but not know it. That is why getting tested for STIs is important if you are having sex. If you receive a positive STI diagnosis, know that they are treatable with medicine and some are curable entirely. (
For more information about free or low-cost testing at UCSB visit Student Health Service STI Testing. The process has never been easier and there are no or no cost options no matter your insurance.
UCSB Safer Sex Peers
In this series, learn more about holistic sexual health including STI's, contraception (hormonal and barrier), communication, anatomy, sexual response system, consent, and more. As a Safer Sex Peer, you'll be a resource to other students with questions to offer information and referals to professional resources on the topic of sexual health.
Our sexual health education program is designed to provide accurate and comprehensive information about sexual health, safety, and self-agency to a diverse population of 26,000 students. In doing so, students can make informed and thoughtful decisions about their physical, emotional, and social well-being according to their own values, whether their values lead them to choose abstinence or for those who choose to be sexually active. We offer basic training in the Fall and continued education on special topics in the Winter and Spring.

Sexual & Reproductive Health Educator

Our goal is to provide comprehensive sexual health education and safer sex supplies to the campus community with an emphasis on healthy and positive sexuality and relationships.
Joanna Hill trains & supervises the Physical & Sexual Health Intern and the Safer Sex Peers.
She is available for resource consultation and presentations.
Phone: 805-893-4163
Physical & Sexual Health Intern
The Physical & Sexual Health Intern in Health Wellness works with students and staff to bring sexual and reproductive services to UCSB students. They collaborate with campus departments, campus organizations, and the Safer Sex Peers to give health education through workshops, presentations, awareness events, and condom distribution.
Meenakshi Manoj | she/her Major: Biology Why did you want to be a H&W intern? With a passion for health and physical/mental wellbeing, I want to promote conversation and events on sexual health, physical fitness, vaccines, illness prevention, and alcohol/drug abuse in my community :)
An amazing aspect of Health & Wellness is that we promote other diverse aspects of wellness, complementing the health resources Student Health provides.
To contact the Physical & Sexual Health Team, please email Joanna Hill at

Sex & Relationship Games
Test your knowledge and see how well you do with these Sexual Health and Relationship Quizzes!
Library Guide for Sexual Health & Relationships
For FREE additional readings and resources on Sexual Health & Relationships, check out our UC Santa Barbara Library Well-being LibGuide.
Here you can find curated books and more on this health topic that you can download and read on your computer or mobile device... FREE!
Here are some of just the many Sexual Health & Relationships books offered at our LibGuide!