Eating disorders are real, serious, complex medical and psychiatric illnesses that affect people of all genders, ages, races, ethnicities, body shapes and weights, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic statuses. Eating disorders significantly hinder a student’s social, emotional and academic success. We strive to create a culture that promotes size diversity, body acceptance, and a healthier body image for all humans.
Upcoming Events
The Body Project
The Body Project is an evidence driven, empirically and research based eating disorder prevention program that fosters body acceptance and reduces risk for developing Eating Disorders among high school and college aged women.
This is a four-week, peer-led educational group with a clearly outlined, weekly plan delivered in a small group format. We provide three women’s groups quarterly. Each group is facilitated by two Health & Wellness peer educators who provide a forum for young women to confront the culture of unrealistic beauty ideals and engage in the development of healthy body image.
The curriculum for this program was developed as a peer-to-peer delivery model by Eric Stice, PhD, a nationally recognized expert in eating disorders prevention. Three of our health educators in Health & Wellness, and two dieticians in Student Health were trained in the supervision of peer health educators to deliver this program in Summer 2019, and the program was first implemented at UC Santa Barbara in Fall 2019. It has been delivered to over one million young women around the world and has been proven to improve body satisfaction, reduce the risk for eating disorders, and improve school and social functioning.
We ask that you attend all 4 sessions and participate in some basic homework exercises. This will give YOU the best results.
Dr. Stice’s team has developed a new curriculum for men, and we are exploring the possibility of offering two quarterly men’s body image groups this academic year.

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
UCSB celebrates National Eating Disorders Awareness (#NEDAwareness) February 21st through February 28th. Eating disorders, such as bulimia, binge eating disorder, and anorexia, are serious illnesses that involve extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding food, exercise, and body image. Contrary to common stereotypes, eating disorders affect all kinds of people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, sexuality, or background. It’s time we bust the myths and get the facts. It’s Time to Talk About It! Find us on social media for ideas on how to start the conversation and our calendar of NEDAW events.
The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) Events we recognize every year:

Let’s Talk: Male Body Image
Are you interested in men’s eating disorders and body image? Do you want to learn about the social stigmas that men face in dealing with the appearance ideal and how to challenge them? Do you want your voice heard? Let’s Talk! Join us for a screening of Wayfarer Studio’s “Man Enough Episode 3 - The Ugliness of Body Image” followed by a roundtable discussion on men's body image. All are welcome! Together, we can start the conversation.
Eating Disorder Prevention Tips
Tip #1 Eating disorders and disordered eating can be reduced by increasing media literacy skills, reframing unhealthy thoughts, and developing a weight-neutral, health-centered approach to self-care.
Tip #2 People struggling with an eating disorder need to seek professional help. The earlier one seeks treatment, the greater the likelihood of physical and emotional recovery. Full recovery from an eating disorder is possible. Early detection and intervention are important.
Tip #3 Many people with eating disorders look healthy, yet may be extremely ill.

Positive Body Image Tips
Tip #1 Appreciate what your body can DO for you - Recognize and value what your body can do instead of focusing on what your body looks like.
Tip #2 Resist body checking - Body checking is stopping to notice what your body looks like (size, shape, etc.). This is a natural habit, but if we don’t like what we see, it can have negative effects on our mood and self-esteem. In moments of body checking, remind yourself that your inner critic isn’t always right and appreciate all the laudable qualities you possess.
Tip #3 Lift up those around you- When acknowledging the beauty in others, in both appearance and character, one finds that they also have more grace with themselves.
Tip #4 Surround yourself with people who make you feel positively about your body and yourself.
Tip #5 Create affirmations that challenge those rude thoughts that pop up and try to bring you down.
(Created by HAW interns with help from NEDA sources)
Sign up for the Body Project to learn actionable skills for better body image!

Educational Content and Articles
Man Enough Episode 3 - The Ugliness of Body Image
Video essays: Body Image CARE Responses -
Do’s and Don’ts of ED:
10 Percent Happier Podcast: Men and Body Image
Intuitive Eating:
Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. If you or a friend are dealing with disordered thoughts and behaviors related to eating and nutrition, now is the time to reach out. Receiving appropriate treatment is the first step toward recovery. This includes medical monitoring, psychological counseling, and nutrition support.
Department of Health & Wellness
Education, awareness, workshops, The Body Project Series: Joanna Hill, Health Education Specialist,
UCSB Student Health:
- Make an appointment:
UCSB Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS):
- Phone Consultation Available 24/7: (805) 893-4411
National Eating Disorders Association:
NEDA Information and Referral Helpline: 800-931-2237
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders: National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, (ANAD)
Don't have UCSB Health Insurance?
If you don’t have (UC SHIP) or are signed with a 3rd party provider, you may contact SHS Social Work to get in touch with external resources in the area.
Library Guide for Wellbeing
For FREE additional readings and resources on Eating Disorders & Body Image, check out our UC Santa Barbara Library Well-being LibGuide. Here you can find curated books and more on this health topic that you can download and read on your computer or mobile device... FREE!
Here are some of just the many Eating Disorders & Body Image books offered at our LibGuide!